
When starting your studies in a new place, you may have different questions about both studying and living in a new country. To help you through this process, we have prepared a short guide for you, where you will find the answers to the most bothering questions.

Student Guide 2023/2024 click here


The University of Warsaw offers 2,500 places in six dormitories situated in various parts of Warsaw. Each residence hall has a quiet study lounge, a TV room, a computer room and a laundry facility. The monthly rent ranges from EUR 75 to 160 (PLN 315-670) per person, depending on the type of the room.

Information about dormitories – click here

Welfare services

Foreign students of the University of Warsaw can choose from a wide range of material support / scholarships. The University offers as many as 6 different programmes, tailored to students’ different needs.

Welcome Point

Welcome Point is a University of Warsaw initiative that helps foreign students adapt to a new place. Student can turn to Welcome Point for help in various matters. Additionally, it is a good idea to follow the Welcome Point website, as information relevant to foreign students often appear there.

Welcome Point website

Map of the University of Warsaw

The link below will take you to a map of the University of Warsaw. It consists of a map of the Main Campus, where all the buildings are described, as well as a map showing the Univeristy’s 3 other campuses around Warsaw.

Map of the University of Warsaw

Student ID and ticket

The Electronic Student ID (ELS) also serves as the library card for the University of Warsaw Library (BUW), as well as a medium for coding public transport tickets and parking fees. The validity of the ID card is extended after successfully completing each semester at the faculty secretary’s office.

Eduroam Wi-Fi

Eduroam is an international system of wireless internet access for academic community. Thanks to it, students and staff have an internet access for free in many academic units all over the world.

SSL: eduroam
PASSWORD: same as in USOSweb

University of Warsaw email account

The email address is used for official contacts with the University. Important messages from the student union or university offices are also sent by email.

University of Warsaw Library

The University of Warsaw Library (BUW) is located at ul. Dobra 56/66. To facilitate the use of its resources by students, the library organises online or traditional training. Obligatory Health & Safety course are also conducted online. Both courses are conducted through the platform of the Digital Competence Centre.

Library of the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies

The Faculty library is located at ul. Nowy Świat 69 (first floor).

Library Catalogue


Counselling Centre

Assistance for people experiencing various problems, e.g. learning difficulties, life crisis situations, struggling with anxiety, depressed mood etc. CPP provides psychological counselling; walk-in clinic (short support conversation in a crisis situation, without prior registration); short-term psychotherapy; psychoeducation. Online support is available to people on foreign exchange  programmes.

Office for Persons with Disabilities

Assistance for all chronically ill students whose illness hinders hinders their studying in the regular mode. Disabled students may receive, among others, a dorm room adapted to their needs, or use the help of transport assistants, sign language interpreters, computer labs, the resources of the Academic Digital Library (ABC) and the Digital Book Library. You can also borrow notebooks, Braille notebooks, screen reading and magnifying software, or software assisting those with disabled hearing.


Supports students, doctoral students, and employees in conflict resolution and ensures that all members of the academic community are treated fairly and honestly.

Equal opportunity chief specialist

Deals with anti-discrimination policy, equal treatment, and diversity at the University of Warsaw. May refer cases to the Rector’s Committee for Preventing Discrimination.

Academic Legal Clinic (Akademicka Poradnia Prawna)

Advice regarding student affairs and the law: family, labour, civil and administrative.

Law Advice Centre

Operates the following legal sections: medical, civil, labour and criminal law, international judiciary, as well as sections dealing with detainees, refugees, harm reduction, and assistance to the homeless.

Center for Conflict and Dispute Resolution

The Center uses mediation techniques and other amicable dispute resolution methods.

Before you arrive

Have a look at the short list prepared by the Welcome Point.


Useful publications

Some useful publications prepared by the Welcome Point that are worth reading.

Useful publications

Contact International Office

Under the link below you will find contact details to people responsible for specific English-language courses at our Faculty.
