European Politics and Economics


About the programme

The European Politics and Economics is the 3-year first-cycle degree full-time programme entirely conducted in English. This programme is open to all international and Polish applicants. Holders of secondary school diploma obtained in Poland, secondary school diploma or an IB / EB diploma obtained outside Poland are eligible for admission. Candidates must also possess knowledge of English at the B2 level confirmed by:

  • foreign language certificate, or
  • exam at foreign language teaching school, or
  • higher education diploma supplement (optional)

Candidates who do not have evidence of English language skills at the B2 level have to take an exam to prove knowledge of that language.

The European Politics and Economics programme is addressed to students interested in economic and political integration, the functioning of the European Union, EU law and the EU internal market, particularly with respect to the economy, finance and detailed policy. The programme covers the structure, competences and activities of the European Union, its impact on Member States, and the mutual relations between them.

A unique feature of the programme is that it is run jointly by two faculties at Warsaw University: the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies and the Faculty of Economics. Due to this cooperation, the programme emphasises economic premises and the consequences of European integration. This well-developed economic component clearly differentiates this programme from other European studies programmes offered in Poland.

Students of the European Politics and Economics programme are given the opportunity to learn from distinguished Europeanists, political scientists, economists and lawyers, both theoreticians and practitioners. The teaching staff includes lecturers who have worked in government ministries, think tanks, foreign institutions, the media, and business.

The programme covers the reasons for and the course of European integration, in terms of economics, politics, institutions and the law. Students learn about the successive stages in the process of integration, analyse historical texts (political speeches, declarations, acts of law) as well as trade databases, examine various conceptions of EU development, and forecast and interpret the opportunities, challenges and threats the EU faces. They are also encouraged to critically evaluate the political and economic consequences of European integration, and to take part in the ongoing debate over the final form of a united Europe and the Union’s territorial limits.

Students also acquire knowledge on international economics, the functioning of trade, and on international capital, labour and currency markets. They are introduced to the processes of currency and economic integration in the EU, and the impact these have on private and public entities.

Students participate in workshop-type lessons, simulations of the work of EU institutions, Oxford-style debates, and round tables. A variety of audiovisual tools are used in class (Survey Monkey, Kahoot, Playfacilte,, Prezi, Bookcreator, etc.). Students have the opportunity to study for one semester abroad. Thanks to the Erasmus + Programme and Bilateral Agreements, they can study for free all over the World (i. e. all UE countries, Mexico, USA, Brasil, Russia or India)

If you choose this major…

Study programme

Courses 1st year
Courses 2nd year
Courses 3rd year
  • History of the Twentieth Century

  • Studies on State and Politics

  • Introduction to Law

  • Philosophy

  • Sources of European Information

  • History of European economic and political integration

  • Statistics

  • Microeconomics

  • Mathematics

  • Foreign Language

  • Introduction to International Protection of Intellectual Property

  • OSH (Occupational Safety and Health)

  • Sociology

  • European Political Systems

  • Public International Law

  • European Cultures and Societies

  • Macroeconomics

  • International Trade

  • European Institutions 

  • Academic Writing

  • Physical Education

  • Social Movements in Europe

  • European Primary and Secondary Law

  • European Political Ideas

  • Economics of the European Integration

  • Introduction to International Finance

  • Problems of Modern Europe

  • Decision-Making Procedures in European Union

  • Foreign Language

  • Elective courses from the offer of the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies/Faculty of Economic Sciences

  • Physical Education

  • Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and fisheries

  • The functioning of the Eurozone: Maastricht criteria and economic implications

  • EU institutional Law

  • International Political Relations

  • European Regions and structural policies of the EU

  • External trade policy of the EU: WTO and RTA's

  • European Labour Market and migrations

  • General elective course (OGUN)

  • Consumer Protection in EU

  • Single market in goods: liberalisation and regulations of markets

  • Common market in capital and in services: FDIs and capital flows

  • Common EU budget and coordination of macroeconomic policies

  • General elective course (OGUN)

  • Elective course from the offer of the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies/Faculty of Economic Sciences

  • Diploma Seminar

  • European Debate

  • Programs and Funds of European Union

  • Information Policy of EU

  • Intellectual Property Protection in EU

Why you should choose our Faculty?

The Faculty of Political Science and International Studies is one of the largest teaching and research units of its kind, not only in Poland, but also throughout Central and Eastern Europe. We operate as a part of the best and the largest Polish university – the University of Warsaw. Close to three and a half thousand students gain knowledge within our walls on both a full-time and part-time basis.

Students of the Faculty not only gain education which is versatile and useful in their professional lives, but also one that develops their interests and passions, in accordance with the centuries-old traditions of our university. Every year, hundreds of our best students get the opportunity to go on exchange for a few months to major foreign universities, both in Europe and around the world. There is also an active research programme in the Faculty, bringing together students who are engaged in independent research and implementing original projects through academic clubs. The most active students also have an opportunity to gain valuable experience through our vibrant students’ union, which is an important part of academic life at the Faculty.

Graduates are innovative and comprehensively educated professionals, highly valued in the labour market, which is confirmed by all sorts of rankings and statistics – they are also visible participants in public life, experts of national and international standing, and political commentators. Journalists, politicians, managers at the highest level – many of them took their first steps in their respective fields within the walls of the Faculty.

The professors, lecturers, and employees at the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies form a unique team, on a nationwide scale, of theorists and practitioners who are actively involved in public life, excellent educators and researchers, recognized experts and authorities in their fields.

Proof of the Faculty’s leading position is not only the large popularity of its educational programmes, but also the results of rankings and classifications, where our programmes and units have for years been rated as number one, and also the results from research which show that employers have deep trust and confidence in the graduates of our Faculty. Our organizational units and their educational programmes also consistently earn top ratings from the Polish Accreditation Committee, as well as the University Accreditation Committee.

See what you will gain by choosing European Politics and Economics!

Choose this programme if

  • You are interested in both political science and economics
  • You want to learn about the functioning of the EU
  • you are looking for studies that will prepare you to work in many different fields


I am interested in the subject of political science and international relations and I want to develop my knowledge of the EU and economics.


I have knowledge of European affairs. Thanks to this, I can work, for example, in EU structures or with its funds.

Graduates of European Politics and Economics...

Graduates of the programme come out with basic knowledge on the functioning of the various and multifaceted spheres of European politics, which enables them to: understand the dynamics of political, economic, legal and social changes at the national and supranational levels; work out decision-making strategies; and analyse the positions, approaches and conduct of participants in integration processes, as well as the mutual relations among them and their interactions with other entities (stakeholders) in social and economic life.

Graduates are also knowledgeable about the economic aspects of the functioning of the European Union and the implementation of EU policy. The programme provides an interdisciplinary education combining elements from the social, economic and legal sciences in the area of European studies.

The programme prepares people both substantively and linguistically to conduct business activity on the EU market, and to work in lobbying or consulting firms, in public administration at the government and local government levels, as officials of EU institutions or agencies or in international structures, in non-governmental organisations, in the media, and in cultural institutions active in European marketing.

Tuition fee

For the academic year 2024/2025

Tuition fee for the first year of the programme – 3600 EUR (The fee can be paid in two instalments – 1800 EUR/semester).

Tuition fee for the second year of the programme – 3600 EUR. (The fee can be paid in two instalments – 1800 EUR/semester).

Tuition fee for the third year of the programme – 3600 EUR. (The fee can be paid in two instalments – 1800 EUR/semester).

Our studies are #1 in Poland will give you practical knowledge will guarantee a good job will allow you to meet new people will expand your horizons |

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